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So what is luck?  Every person you ask this question will have a different answer.  Where does luck come from, when does it come and often a cause of great fear for some, when and where does it go?  The very foundation of Astrology was based upon the idea of someone wanting to know if they were going to be lucky.  Will I win the war?  Will my child live long enough to make it to the throne?  Will I lose my fortune or will I find the treasure?  All very important matters back in the day when it was so important to know where “X” marked the spot.

Today the most often asked questions when seeing clients, be it a flippant one or not, is “Will I win the lottery”, “Will I get the job” or “When or will I ever find love”.  I am asked these three questions over and over again. 

People like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg to name a few are great examples to see these principals in action but we too can find luck in our charts if we just know where to look.

Join Christina Stargazer as she looks at all things lucky from an Astrological perspective.  Is “Lady Luck” on your side?  When will your luck turn?  Will you experience a reverse in your fortune or are you already a “Lucky Duck” according to your friends & colleagues?  As Uranus moves into tropical Taurus what impact will this have on you and your chart!

Christina Stargazer is a consultant, researcher and writer who practices Astrology and Numerology in NSW, Australia.  Christine has also studied with Doreen Virtue to become an advanced Angel Intuitive.  Christine teaches Astrology to a professional level.  Christine facilitates workshops and presents to a variety of community and social groups.  Christine has spoken at Federation of Australian Astrologers Conferences, Breaking Down the Borders Online Conference and co-coordinates the South Coast Astrology Group.  She specialises in Horary Astrology (The Art of Asking a Question) and facilitate Circle Work.

Please join us for an interesting interactive evening of lively astrology.

All welcome.    Tea and coffee available from 7pm.
SARS Meetings held - 1st Floor of Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, 280 Pitt St – Sydney NSW

Entry is $12 for non -members.                                           Contact: for more information

4 April

Witchcraft, The Seasons, The Moon and Astrology

6 June

Witnessing the Inner Astronomy