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Our Place in the Age of Aquarius by Terry MacKinnell

Anyone paying attention to the ongoing debate by astrologers about the arrival of the semi-mythical Age of Aquarius may overlook that most debaters talk about ages as if they are monolithic.  It is virtually impossible to determine the exact dates of any astrological age based only on the ages- though Rudolph Steiner had talent in this respect and of course historians have correctly identified the arrival of modernity – just not recognizing that Aquarius is associated with modernity.  From the astrological perspective, it is the internal structure of the astrological ages that provide the necessary clues and confirmations about the borders of eachage.

In my presentation, we will commence with the influences of the Pisces and Aquarius ages, then drill down as far as possible into the internal structure that applies to 2023.  If we go deep enough, it will become easy to see why the British shot themselves in the foot with Brexit and why Trump appeared like a rabbit out of the magician’s hat.  Covid did not appear at a random time.  All three of these events have a very strong affinity to Aquarius, however, to understand these correlations, it is first necessary to understand that Aquarius behaves very differently in an age compared to say someone with Aquarius rising or Aquarius sun.

I am also open to serious sidetracking if the audience wants to know other aspects of the astrological ages apart from the above.  The greater the two-way interaction associated with this presentation, the better.

“The Dawning – Shedding New Light on the Astrological Ages”

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Terry MacKinnell was born in Sydney, Australia on December 14 1951 and is a self-taught western and Vedic astrologer who has been studying western astrology since the early 1970s and Vedic astrology since the mid-1980s and is a keen adherent to both systems.  As an accidental result of working with the two zodiacs that underpin the astrological ages, in 1987 he experienced an epiphany on how to calculate the start of the Age of Aquarius in a totally new way. 

Commencing in 2000, he returned to his research in earnest and after a three-year writing project, published his first book on the subject in 2011 – “The Dawning – Shedding New Light on the Astrological Ages”.  He has a website dedicated to the astrological ages at and maintains a number of blogs including ‘Demystifying the Aquarian Age’.  He is slowly continuing his research into the astrological ages and is attempting towrite another book and occasionally uploads a YouTube video on his research approach to the astrological ages.

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